Call us for order-6133429441, 11 Perth St, Brockville

Peaceful White Lilies Basket

In Stock Unavailable

Regular price $119.99 |  Save $-119.99 (Liquid error (sections/product-template line 215): divided by 0% off)

As peaceful and beautiful as a starry night, this pure white funeral bouquet is a touching way to remember a truly special person. Send this classic arrangement to comfort the newly bereaved at the funeral.   Fresh white oriental lilies...


As peaceful and beautiful as a starry night, this pure white funeral bouquet is a touching way to remember a truly special person. Send this classic arrangement to comfort the newly bereaved at the funeral.


  • Fresh white oriental lilies and carnations are mixed with rich greens such as salal and oregonia in a natural basket.
    • Orientation: One-Sided



      Returns Policy

      On average, most flowers should last between 3 and 5 days. Should your flowers perish within three (3) days of the delivery date and we are satisfied that all care instructions provided have been followed, Wild Little Roses will be happy to resend replacement flowers at our expense, on a day/time you request. To assist us in assessing the product quality, Wild Little Roses reserves the right to request photos or images of the original flowers (sent by email) within three days of the delivery date. This is a standard request that all florists will ask for in the event of customer complaints. Wild Little Roses also requires that any dissatisfaction with the freshness of the flowers be communicated to the Wild Little Roses Customer Service within 3 days of delivery @
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